Wednesday 31 July 2013


Week 6 of July Recipe A Week Challenge - Dessert

Making Tiramisu really goes against my entire philosophy on coffee.  I don't like the stuff.  The look on my face gave me away if you saw that first!! Haha.  Hot, volcanic, bitter brown lava that leaves nothing to desire (except a breath mint!).  Maybe it will come with age, an acquired taste.  But for now, my immature taste buds will not be tortured with the taste that is coffee. 

So... unless you haven't guessed by now, I'm a tea drinker through and through.  I drink it any time of the day, any weather, any flavour, any brand, in any form: tea cup, a mug, from a teapot, from a diffusser, once through a straw, tea bag, loose tea leaves... anything goes :)

So why make the Tiramisu do you ask?  I have endured enough sideways glances at restaurants when a dodgy looking Tiramisu arrives and relentless offers to 'just taste it' if a good one comes along.  Yeeees... Mr Smoothy... This is your recipe! And not the maple kind... And you know what's in there... And I wont eat it or give it to the cat!

Besides actually pulling off the recipe and presenting a dessert that looked brilliaint, the Sunday we sat and ate this dessert was just beautiful!  Despite being winter, the sun was out in all its radiance and the temperature was just right.  Mom did a great job at setting the scene with her flowers and the table.

Going to miss sitting outside on the patio!  Going to miss you guys too!

Ingredients (serves 10-12):

I halved this recipe - and it still made PLENTY
750ml  fresh cream
6 egg yolks
3/4 cup caster sugar
1/2 cup espresso (we used Nespresso pods)
1/2tsp vanilla extract

2 cups espresso
1/2 cup rum (or other alcohol of your choice)
+- 800g finger biscuits (you might not use all of it)

3tbsn cocoa powder


In a large bowl, whip the fresh cream until quite stiff peaks form.
In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until the mixture becomes light and creamy. Add the espresso and the vanilla and whisk for another minute.
Transfer the egg mixture to the whipped cream whilst whisking and make sure that everything is well combined.
Mix the espresso with the rum in a wide bowl and soak the biscuits very quickly in the mixture before placing them in a suitable dish.
Pour a layer of the cream mixture over the layer of biscuits and then repeat the process. Be sure to finish off with a cream layer.
Place in the refrigerator until the cream mixture is set.
When you are ready to serve, dust the Tiramisu with the cocoa powder and serve.

Recipe from Simply Delicious Blog

July Recipe A Week Challenge courtesy of Claudz

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