Thursday 22 August 2013

Brilliant Angus Beef Burgers

I know its bad, no post in 3 weeks!!  But, to be fair, I have just moved to Scotland and hardly had time to cook anything worth posting.  I didn't think honey on toast made the cut for my first Scrumptious Scottish recipe.

I have been in Scotland almost 3 weeks now and finally putting my first post up.  And seeing as I am living in Dundee, what better way to start off my Scrumptious Scottish recipes than a recipe with some award winning Angus Beef!

Cue drum roll.... Brilliant Angus Beef Burgers :)

These burgers are amazing!!!  I have made a few burgers over the months and not quite found the best recipe yet.  Each time I made one I thought 'this is good!' until this recipe...maybe it has something to do with the Angus Beef :)

Scott came to visit last weekend and I decided it was time to introduce him to my mad burger making skills. We both dove into the kitchen and began the exciting process of burger making.

Mix all the ingredients together in a bowl until combined.  For best results roll up your sleeves, crack your fingers, and get those hands dirty!
Once combined, separate the mix into 4 medium sized meatballs.  Scott and I were feeling greedy so we made 3 bigger meatballs to get 3 huge burgers! Hehe.

Heat a pan (or grill is better) and coat with some Olive Oil.  Flatten the meatballs into patties with your hands and sizzle away.  5 minutes each side should do the trick.  Don't over cook the patties!

While the patties are cooking into mouth watering delights, prepare some garnish.  We slices up some tomatoes, cheese and lettuce.  I considered pineapple (Hawaiian burgers are my favourite) but couldn't find any. Other popular toppings are bacon, gherkins, onion, aubergines, other types of cheese, pepperdews, mushroom, etc.  When the patties are cooked to perfection, assemble and voila!!

Best enjoyed with Steers Barbecue Sauce.  Since we didn't have :( Tomatoe Sauce was a fine substitute :)

Ingredients (serves 4):

  • 500g Beef Mince
  • 1 Egg
  • 2 tsp Mustard
  • 1 Red Chilli, finely slices
  • Hand full of Parsely, finely chopped
  • 1 crushed garlic
  • Salt & Pepper